Pam Meister
Pamela Meister is a believer in following joy. Following her joy has led her away from working in jobs she didn’t
love, with bosses she didn’t admire, in locations that didn’t work for her. Following her joy has led her to a year in
Brazil with her young family. Following her joy has led her into entrepreneurship, working with people she
believes in, and helping them find the zone where their genius meets their joy.
Pamela Meister lives at that intersection. Pam’s genius is business and lifestyle strategy. Pam has managed
people, run political campaigns, raised money, built CRMs, written policy, advocated for organizations, and more.
Her experience extends across the public, for-profit, and nonprofit sectors with extensive experience at all levels
of government and holding executive leadership roles.
Through each experience and opportunity, Pam has found that she can be happy doing many ‘jobs’ as long as
she can put her family first. Pam wants to go on field trips with her children, be present in their daily lives, hang
out with her husband, and be able to travel the world without having to give up her income when opportunities
present. That is where her joy comes from.
Pam believes that we can all live a life we love, doing more of what makes us happy, and still earn the income we
need to live. She works with her clients to help them focus on their zone of genius.
Pam is creative, passionate, and heart-centered in her approach to leading her clients toward the strategies that
will help them achieve their individual goals. She offers personalized consulting, facilitates group coaching and
mastermind programs, speaks publicly, and runs workshops for groups of various sizes.
Pamela Meister uses every single one of her 525,600 minutes each year to live a life she loves. As founder
of Organwise, LLC and The Zone Community, Pam helps others do the same.